I help women break up with birth control, so they can experience natural cycles without the pain, PMS and fatigue.

So, you know you should make some changes to balance your hormones but you have no clue where to begin...

Does this sound familiar?

I get it. You know you need to be making some changes to support healthy hormones but you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed and distracted by all the options.  I see this all the time and have noticed 3 common mistakes I see with women who come to me.

1. They don't prep their body before coming off birth control. Naturally cycling again can be a HUGE transition for the body and to prevent any post-pill symptoms I highly recommend spending at least 1-2 months prepping the body!

2. Cutting out lots of foods and taking lots of supplements; restricting the diet only adds more stress to the body, and most of the time it's not the food thats the problem! There are soo many hormone supplements out there, but truthfully most of them treat symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of hormone imbalances. 

3. Not considering the nervous system; in world that glorifies being busy, and hustle culture its no wonder women are burnt out and exhausted! Learning to regulate your nervous system is key in hormone balance.

Can you imagine how it would feel to have balanced hormones and feel great all month long?

  • Feeling vibrant and energetic EVERY day of the cycle (not just at ovulation!)
  • More stable energy, without the 3pm slump and reaching for another coffee 
  • More calm, balanced and clear-headed 
  • Regular, symptom free cycles (yes, it's possible!) 
  • For your period to not impact your day to day life
  • Learning to deeply trust and listen to your body, and love your cycle again

Sacred Cycles; The Mentorship

A 12 Week 1:1 Program where we take a truly holistic approach to hormonal health, so that you can achieve symptom free cycles and feel amazing ALL month long. 

"Working with you over the last 12 weeks has been the best decision and investment I’ve made.

I was aware of things I needed to improve in my health and lifestyle, however, I wanted to take away the guess work and have a professional guide me so I wasn’t time and money on unnecessary things. This is exactly what you did. We dived deep into all aspects of my life. Figured out what we needed to focus on and how to get there without being on 10+ supplements. You are patient and supportive and nothing felt like a silly question. I now have the tools and knowledge to continue my journey and I’m excited and empowered! It was worth every cent! Thanks again for everything!"


What makes this program different? 

Not a Cookie-Cutter Bandaid Approach

This is a highly personalised program for you and your body. Let's get to the root cause so you can achieve balanced hormones for LIFE.

Holistic Approach

I take a root cause approach so we can determine what is underlying and contributing to your symptoms. I treat the body as a whole, and use gentle, natural interventions to bring the body back into alignment.

Support & Accountability

I am here to support you every step of the way with fortnightly calls and Mon-Friday text and voice messaging support. 

Here's what you can expect after 12 weeks..

Regular, symptom free cycles

Experience regular menstrual cycles without the pain, PMS and fatigue.

Regulated nervous system

Learn powerful tools to keep yourself feeling calm and grounded.

Take back your fertility

You'll be empowered and in charge of your fertility and hormones through your understanding of how to track your cycle, identify ovulation and support your body through each phase.

Mind-Body Connection

You'll develop a deep love, trust and respect for your body.

Energised and Vibrant

You will feel vibrant and full of energy all month long, so you can show up as the woman you truly desire to be. 

Here's how we'll flow... 

While every program is very much individualised and created specifically for you, my intention is to set a very solid foundation to allow your body to heal. So, here are some topics we will cover;


As women we have a 28 day clock- and each stage of the cycle can influence how we feel, our energy, our mood and even how much we want to socialise! Implement cycle syncing principles to work WITH your body, not against it!


Did you know you are only POSSIBLY fertile 6 days per month? And that there are highly effective methods of natural contraception that don't shut off all your natural hormones?! After this program, you'll be a pro at knowing when you ovulate to either prevent or achieve pregnancy!


Align with natures cycles and come back to basics. This module will be all about supercharging your energy, improving metabolism, optimising your body clock and getting restorative sleep. All crucial for healthy hormones!


You can't heal when you are in survival mode. At the end of the program, you'll understand how to truly regulate your nervous system and come home to your body and work 'smarter not harder'.


Are you done restricting foods in the pursuit of health? Here we kick restrictive diets to the curb, and work on optimising your diet and regulating your blood sugar - absolutely crucial for a healthy menstrual cycle.


Healthy hormones start in the gut! In this module we optimise your digestive health and detoxification pathways for a happy gut and balanced hormones.

Here's some of the fun stuff you will receive..

  • 3 months of support
  • 6 x fortnightly calls via zoom with Tahlia
  • Monday-Friday voice and text support for check ins between calls
  • High quality practitioner grade herbal medicine, flower essences & nutritional supplementation
  • Pathology testing and interpretation
  • Home guided tasks, resources and mindset activities
  • Access to group programs, online membership and masterclasses run by Tahlia
  • And did I mention it's all inclusive and there are no hidden or unexpected costs?!

SO, are you ready to finally get the results you want? 

Answer a quick few questions so I can make sure you're the right fit for the program! I will get back to you in 24-48 hours.

Hi, I'm Tahlia

And I created this program, because I was once just like you...

This is the level of education, empowerment and support that I was deeply craving when going through my own hormone health journey.

Like many women, I had been on the pill most of my menstruating life. At the time, I felt my only option to manage hormonal symptoms was to go on the pill. I struggled with allll the side effects but no medical practitioner would take me seriously. I decided to come off birth control without any support, I experienced post-pill amenorrhea (no periods) and it was a longgggg journey to heal my hormones. Once my hormones were balanced, my life changed! I dropped out of the university degree I hated and enrolled to become a Naturopath, so that I could support women on the same journey. I've now been tracking my cycle, using fertility awareness methods as contraception and syncing with my cycle for 8+ years now and I have never felt more aligned with my body. My vision is to support women on this same journey, and show them what is possible.

So, is this program the right fit for you?


The women who experience PMS, painful or heavy periods, irregular cycles, and fatigue and no longer want to accept these symptoms as 'just part of being a woman'

Women who  want a more in depth understanding of ovulation tracking and natural contraception 

Women who want to come off birth control, but feel overwhelmed and confused about where to start

Women who struggle with anxiety, overwhelm and burn out which impacts how you feel in your body and how you show up at work and in your relationships


You are not ready to invest the time, effort and money into getting to the root cause of your symptoms.

You want band-aid approaches and quick fixes only

You can't take responsibility and have the awareness to identify what areas of your life need to change in order to feel healthy and well

You only want a few appointments and can't commit to 12 weeks 

"Learning how to work with my cycle in terms of diet, so eating the best foods for that week to help nourish me better and also planning tasks according to the energy I will have in my different cycle weeks has been life changing!

Working with Tahlia has given me a very clear direction to follow in regards to health and well-being. Tahlia's approach really drives home the back to basics model. You look into ancestral nutrition, circadian rhythm and movement, all the simple things we seem to have forgotten! Tahlia is also wonderful and supportive and is really there to listen and guide you through this health journey. My main concern was 10/10 menstrual pain and by the end of the 12 week program is was a 5/10 and is decreasing still! Forever grateful for the advice and care Tahlia has given me. Definitely recommend 😊"


If you've read this far, you owe this to yourself...

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Why 3 months?

3 Months is the minimum amount of time to see big shifts in the menstrual cycle, although most of my clients see improvements within 2-4 weeks. 

How are the sessions conducted?

All 1:1 sessions are done via video (zoom) so I can support clients all over the world!

What if I would like to do more testing?

Amazing! Functional testing is one of my specialties - there are optional add ons for the following; Gut Microbiome Testing, Vaginal Microbiome Testing, DUTCH Hormone Testing, Hair Mineral Analysis.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes of course! You can either pay upfront or pay over 6 x fortnightly payments. Extended payment plans are also available by request.

We also offer ZIP as an interest free repayment option where you can choose your payment frequency.

Can I still do this program if I'm currently on Birth Control?

Of course! Regardless of whether you are on birth control or not this information is empowering for all women! And, it will mean you will know how to support your body when you do come off birth control.

I'm already off Birth Control. Will this help me?

Yes, absolutely! Most of the program focuses around teaching elements of cycle syncing, how to track your cycle and identify ovulation, natural contraceptive methods and how to experience symptom free cycles!

I'm interested but i'm not sure if i'm the right fit for the program!

It's important that it feels right to work together. If you're feeling the pull, but want to get a feel for working together you can book a 30 minute FREE application call below.

Book Application Call →

Here's what some of the women who have been inside are saying...

"I came to Tahlia for support for my chronic digestive issues and irregular menstrual cycles after being off the pill for 2+ years. In her 3 month Sacred Cycles program we achieved more than what I had in a year with other practitioners using really tangible, back-to-basics steps! She truely takes a root-cause approach and doesn’t throw a million supplements at you unnecessarily. I have walked away from the program with a deeper knowing of myself and my body and how I work and now know what core, basics to come back to when my body is feeling out of balance."


"Tahlia helped me to flip my life upside down in the best way possible. She truely helped me in all aspects of my life. Not only did she help me to come off birth control with no symptoms (might I add I got my period back just over one month after coming off birth control!!!!), she helped with optimising my meals, my exercise, and mindset and my gut microbiome. She assisted me with stress management strategies, helped me to understand the importance of slowing down, educated me on my cycle, how to read food labels, and also how to generally live a less toxic and wasteful life."


"This program has been the best thing i've done for myself"

"I reached out to Tahlia after coming off the pill so lost and with her guidance and support over the last 3 months have never felt so empowered and confident in myself. This program has been a life changing journey and I am so thankful for her time and knowledge"


"Wow! I have been working with Tahlia for the last few months and she has helped me SO much

I first went to her for skin issues and I have come away with skin that is glowing AND a confidence I never had before. She's helped me with my acne, digestion and mindset! I would 100% recommend working with her as she is the best at what she does and is such a beautiful person to turn to when you need some support in all areas of life"


"I have truly loved this whole process"

I think this experience was everything I’ve ever needed. I wanted someone to listen and I felt heard. I don’t think anything could have made it better"



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